Article Number: 12735
Hard Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 526 Pages, 2020, Cosac & Naify

Arquivo Brasilia

Rare Book
€ 148.00

Between 2003 and 2005, artists Lina Kim and Michael Wesely scoured public and private archives in an ambitious effort to survey, catalog and restore photographs of the construction of Brasilia, many of which were inaccessible to the public and at risk of disappearing. The two carried out a monumental job of researching and

processing the images, starting with around 10,000 originals and working their way up to a final edition of 1,400 images. The result can now be seen in Arquivo Brasília, the definitive book on the epic construction of the federal capital. In addition to the expressive photographic material, in color and B&W, which ranges from Kubitschek's first expeditions to the site in 1956, through the initial works, the construction of the buildings, to the inauguration of the capital in April 1960 and the following decades, the edition also includes theoretical texts by renowned critics and an interview with the architect Lucio Costa.