Art—Read is an exhibition of artists’ books and related work in other media by ten young artists: Tauba Auerbach, Fiona Banner, Chris Duncan, Roe Ethridge, Terence Koh, Jason Polan, Seth Price, Dean Sameshima, Paul Schiek and Derek Sullivan.
Each of these artists takes a multidisciplinary approach to making work and in every case has made the creation of artists’ books a significant part of their practice. Art—Read is an exhibition designed to demonstrate the importance of the artists’ book medium, both to the ten artists included and to contemporary art more generally. The exhibition upends outmoded hierarchies which would rank the various media on a scale of minor to major and instead presents books alongside paintings, photos, video, et cetera so as to give books a place in the show commensurate with the weight the artists themselves place on their book works.
Art—Read was inspired in part by a 1976 issue of Art-Rite magazine which focused on artists’ books and included statements by Lawrence Weiner, Adrian Piper, John Baldessari, Sol LeWitt and many of the other artists who had done so much over the preceding ten years or so to create the contemporary artists’ book. In his contribution LeWitt noted that, “books are the best medium for many artists working today.” His assertion would be no less true in 2009 than it was then.
A catalog is forthcoming. In both content and design it will reference the original Art-Rite publication which has provided a conceptual framework for Art—Read. The catalog will document the exhibition, provide info on participating artists, and include both images and bibliographic information on their artists’ books. For more information about the exhibition or for inquiries about the catalog, please contact Glenn Horowitz Bookseller via email,, or phone, 631-324-5511.