Article Number: 12707
Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 720 Pages, 2010
Vit Havránek, Fredric Ajmeson, Zbynek Baladran

Atlas of Transformation

Rare Book
€ 480.00

2010. Atlas of Transformation is a sort of global guidebook of transformation processes. With structured entries, its goal is to create a tool for the intellectual grasping of the processes of social and political change in countries that call themselves "countries of transformation" or are described by this term. The Atlas of Transformation was first published in Czech and it contains more than 200 "entries" and key terms of transformation.

Several dozen authors (more than 100) from the whole world contributed to this book and also some influential period texts were republished here. What happens to a country when it undergoes change on a revolutionary scale? And how does one grasp such monumental transformation? In over 200 entries, the Atlas of Transformation offers a massive glossary of key terms for the effects and consequences of social political change, based on the transformations seen over the past two decades in Eastern Europe. These terms are explicated in extended essayistic entries, and describe themes obviously associated with large-scale change, such as adaptation, collectivity, demolition, ecology, immigration, ownership and privatization--but also explore somewhat more oblique themes such as iconoclasm, pornography, punishment and schizophrenia. Including relevant historical texts alongside new writing, among the authors contributing to the Atlas are Timothy Garton Ash, Hakim Bey, Homi K. Bhabha, Deleuze and Guattari, Boris Groys, Karl Holmqvist, Frederic Jameson, Franz Kafka and Slavoj Zizek. As new, pictures on request.