Article Number: 4389
Hard Cover, German, Glue Binding, 60 Pages, 2010, Sensationsverlag
Max Boehme, Max Jurasch, Ursula Buchart, Lisa Langeder, Angelika Wischermann, Roswitha Wieczarck, Anna Mai, Martin Hodel, Erwin Wurm, Emily Berghaus, Perihan Keles, Christian Eisenberger, Anthony Wagner, Robin Burgauer, Arianna Fleuer

Frequent Mistakes


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Auf der Suche nach der Tendenz zum Lebendigen.
On the search for the tedency towards life.

when i shared this with ferdinand, when i told him i was somehow afraid of destroying the canvas, he told me the only thing we can destroy is our idea of our self- and that`s a good thing. i read somewhere that the perfectionist is she paints with one eye on the canvas and the other on the audience. in truth, ive spent most of my life with both eyes on the crwod , paralysed with expectation. in this workshop, simply putting paint to canvas became a triumph, a means of closing my eyes to the "shoulds." one last thing max, as this was after all a week exploring the "frequent mistakes on the search for the tendency towards life" i see now thath there really are no mistakes, or rather, the only mistake one can make is to leave the canvas blank.

Quelle: Buchinhalt, Laura Wayne