Futurism's Bastard Son
He’s the only human being in recorded history to claim the distinction of swimming the entire length of the Mississippi River.
He was buried alive for three days in a much ballyhooed effort to bring art to the spirirt world that included a New Orleans-style funeral complete with Christlike resurrection. He once imprisoned himself in a tiger cage to protest the inhumane treatment of POWs in Vietnam. Maverick? Eccentric? Full-blown madman? Billy X. Curmano will be delighted to let you decide.
Mary Beth Crain, LA Weekly, 1999
During the life of an artist countless photos are taken, numerous videos are shot and plenty
of text is written. In the case of a performance artist this material is even more extensive and also more important, because it gives us a witness report about a past event. When we noticed that Billy archived all the material about his work very accurately and everything was already there we decided to use only the accumulated images and texts, such as: stills and off-voices from Billy's video-documentation, newspaper articles ranging from local press to international art critique, TV-Excerpts, lyrics from Billy's songs ...
(Quelle: booklooker)