Soft Cover, German, Glue Binding, 98 Pages, 2017, Galerie Krinzinger
ICON (Icon - Idea Ideal Inspiration)
Weltstars der Kunst - Die Galerie Krinzinger konnte durch die Kuratierung von Bettina M. Busse, ihre Künstler nach deren Vorbildern, Inspirationen und Idealen befragen.
Aufwändig gemacht mit liebevollen Details wie Transparentpapier, Karton, und edlem Papier.
In this catalogue you'll find many works by famous artists. Anyone who always wanted to know from whom Marina Abramović is influenced, Hans Op de Beeck calls his source of inspiration, or what Marcel Duchamp's edition and the works by Gottfried Bechtold have in mind, get's here the answer. Bettina M. Busse (curator) orginezed that spectacular show and was able to ask the artists about their models, inspirations and ideals.Made with loving details like transparent paper, cardboard and fine paper and a nice protective cover. Some collectors know that the famous „Aug um Aug“ catalogue, made bay KRINZINGER in 1986 is the source of inspiration for the actual catalogue.
Language: English and German