Soft Cover, English, Glue Binding, 264 Pages, 2005, Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst
Neighbourhood, room, neighbour, guest?
availability unknown, if interested please write an email
154 people, who were contacted through oda projects since 2000, came together in a book rather than in a physical room. Chains were formed between these 154 people through a series of questions started by Oda Projesi. Oda Projesi addressed the accumulated questions to the 154 people and these people whether they knew each other or not talked to each other by the means of the book. The book, consisting of these 'talks' is an imagination of a common narration and an intention of establishing a narration through opening up the possibilities of the printed material space. Is it possible to be neighbours and to live together in these apartments of narrations?
Anlässlich der 9. Internationalen Istanbul Biennale (16. Sept. - 30. Okt. 2005); hrsg. von Oda Projesi (Özge Açikkol, Günes Savas, Seçil Yersel); mit Beiträgen von Akin Bayraktaroglu, Anna Ahlstrand, Annette Ronàld, Åsa Jungnelius, Asli Kiyak Ingin, Ayça Ince, Aydan Murtezaoglu, Aykut Köksal, Birsen Ilban, Bogaçhan Dündaralp, Carlos Basualdo, Cem Gencer, Charles Esche, Claire Doherty, Dan Perjovschi, Erhan Muratoglu, Erik Göngrich, Erinç Seymen, Ertan Dürüst, Esra Sar?gedik Öktem, Fatma Ergin, Fatos Üstek, Feride Senel, Feyyaz Ilban, Florian Zeyfang, Funda Dönmez, Ihsan Bilgin, Jeffrey Charles Tucker, Karl Holmqvist, Kim Einarsson, Luca Frei, Marius Babias, Matthieu Prat, Murat Cemal Yalçintan, Musa Sen, Mustafa Kaplan, Nina Möntmann, Niyazi Senel, Özlem Dükkanci, Özlem Ilban, Pelin Tan, Per Brunskog, Pontus Kyander, Pontus Lindvall, Rodrigo Mallea Lira, Seçil Yersel, Vasif Kortun, What How and for Whom/WHW u.v.a.