Soft Cover, Czech, Thread Stitching, 496 Pages, 2014,
Procházka akční Prahou
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This book amplifies the acquaintance about Czech Action Art, with a number of non-publicated actions and photographs, all above it is the guide, that localize more than 150 performances, happenings and other action projects that have taken place in Prague between years 1949-1989.
The projects did took place on touristic frequented places, but also in half-forgotten places in Prague. Their documentation helps us to earn a new approach on the aesthetics of city enviroment, uncovering social and political context of the era. The bodies of performers are making places visible, that haven´t got change at all, or that have vanished, and could be retrived only by photographs. The whole map shows us how Prag actions, performances and happenings did moved after-war era from public space of the center of the city to its borderland.
Language: Czech