Article Number: 2499
Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 239 Pages, 2010,
Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 239 Pages, 2010,
George Bernard Shaw
availability unknown, if interested please write an email
New publication of George Bernard Shaws Pygmalion by the Goergian editor Kolasi.
Pygmalion both delighted and scandalized its first audiences in 1914. A brilliantly witty reworking of the classical tale of the sculptor Pygmalion, who falls in love with his perfect female statue, it is also a barbed attack on the British class system and a statement of Shaw's feminist views. In Shaw's hands, the phoneticist Henry Higgins is the Pygmalion figure who believes he can transform Eliza Doolittle, a cockney flower girl, into a duchess at ease in polite society. The one thing he overlooks is that his 'creation' has a mind of her own.