Roman Ondák Measuring The Universe
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Roman Ondák, Measuring the Universe, BAWAG Foundation Edition and Christoph Keller Edition 2008
Some artists court fame. Others shrink from it even as their reputations grow. The Slovakian Roman Ondák is one such figure, an artist whose beguiling and intelligent ideas have reached an international public that may not remember (if it ever even noticed) his name. His is an art that puts other people first on principle.
In Germany, in 2007, Ondák asked museum attendants to mark the height and names of visitors on the gallery walls. Gradually this humble childhood custom gathered into a full-scale public phenomenon as more and more people joined in. The black marks on the white walls accumulated into something like the scattered sparks of a comet blazing through one gallery and into the next. Between them the visitors had made a beautiful sight; the work was called Measuring the Universe.
Quelle: Guardian