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Hubert Schmalix (geboren 1952 in Graz) lebt und arbeitet in Los Angeles. Hubert ist ein wahrer Maler. Für dieses Buch hat er einen ausgefaserten Filzer genommen Sujets aus seinem Oeuvres gezeichnet. Die Abbildungen scheinen zu erzählen, jedoch Hubert erläutert nicht. Mit diesem Werkzeug, in den engen Rahmen dieses Formats entwickelt er eine betörende, weil so einfache Schönheit.
Amer Abbas invited me to curate an exhibition in his Gallery, Kunstbüre. I always traded works with my artist friends, so I called this Exhibition: “All mine, The Collection Boehme“. A friend then said, it is sad if I dont publish this. These were the times before digital photography, so there was no time to make this the common way (good, I thought). So I made drawings of the works, and printed that. That was the first book of the Sensationsverlag (Sensations Edition). Soon it was out of stock. I understand the Sensationsverlag as an endless row of exhibitions. A sequence of works of art which I invent with friends and artists I do admire. So I am not really a Publisher in the common sense. I am an artist among artists, and the communication, the process of collective invention, creation and reproduction is a process that in the best way, inspires us and others. A Museum Director then said to me that he doesn’t want to take care not to miss one of my books. So it happened that today I have a system of Subscription. Subscribers get each and every book by post. Except one Inspection copy for the Salon für Kunstbuch, there is no other distribution.The books are limited (mostly) 100 Copies as edition d artiste, + ( mostly) 10 originals of the artist as special edition, and sometimes also as paperback. Altogether I published 33 titles, 22 in the last three years. More and more the edition grows together with my other project, the Rauchsalon (Smokingsalon). Over the last 5 years Rauchsalon was located in a backroom of the Joanelli, an artists bar in Vienna. Starting with Sept. 26 ( Hubert Schmalix and Sofia Goscinski) I am a guest in the bar of Secession in Vienna. There I will introduce books, but also I will organise concerts, readings or philosophic circles. More and more I understand these projects as a unique possibility to be an artist, and as such to invent with outstanding people sensational work.
All of that shall not ever be finished, everything is in a flow, and always it will change. . That is a promise. www.maxboehme.com/mayerhof