Article Number: 4373
Soft Cover, English, Thread Stitching, 299 Pages, 2012

The Future Will Be ... China

Thoughts On What's to Come

availability unknown, if interested please write an email

A group of artists was asked to complete the sentence "The future will be..."

Hans Ulrich Obrist's constant question about what "the future will be" is fundamentally an inquiry about the function of the individual within a larger culture. The seed for this book was planted at the Pinacoteca during the fourth iteration of "China Power Station". We hope that this snapshot of a contemporary moment in China will be a provocation for a new production of reality and will inspire new forms of cultural dialogue that can perhaps even serve as a template. This collection may ultimately prove most valuable not for what it predicts about the future, but for what it tells us about the moment during which it was assembled. to go beyond the fear of pooling knowledge.