the mind is the body
In the book the mind is the body Lisa Gutscher journies into the body and presents a fantastic tapestry of stories and visuals. Like a children's science book, the artist reveals before us readers the magic of the body without confining it to machinic partitioning, binary oppositions or theory as such. It is stories, both visual and textual, that are the fuel and destination of this journey:
inside her, so many very different things are working together to keep her alive. a single cell in her body has more memory than the conscious mind has. inside her cells, mitochondria, a previously independent form of life, have found a haven and trade their ability to synthesize proteins and metabolize fats for room to live and reproduce. we’re in her cells too now, and the cells have accepted us.
In dem Künstlerbuch the mind is the body reist Lisa Gutscher in den menschlichen Körper hinein und präsentiert einen fantastischen Teppich aus Geschichten und Bildern. Wie ein Wissenschaftsbuch für Kinder enthüllt die Künstlerin, auf kartonierten Seiten, vor den Lesern die Magie des Körpers, ohne sie auf mechanistische Partitionierung, binäre Gegensätze oder Theorie als solche zu begrenzen. Es sind Geschichten, sowohl visuell, als auch textlich, die der Treibstoff und das Ziel dieser Reise sind:
inside her, so many very different things are working together to keep her alive. a single cell in her body has more memory than the conscious mind has. inside her cells, mitochondria, a previously independent form of life, have found a haven and trade their ability to synthesize proteins and metabolize fats for room to live and reproduce. we’re in her cells too now, and the cells have accepted us.