Article Number: 237
Hard Cover, German, Staple Binding, 24 Pages, 1900

The story Tellers

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The art book titled Tell me your story, was made on the base of my residency visit to FlaxArt Studios Belfast, Northern Ireland in year 2007.

While visualisation of the final installation in Gallery Likovni salon Celje, Slovenia in year 2008, that included: projections (17), drawing on the wall and sound installation, the art book was made out of photographies of the installation space. The printed books in no. of 10 became the base for manual interventions: my own or the new story tellers one.The main concept is to print out every edition, that is made on the base of layers that are continuingly made after every publishing.

"Except one, I distribute nine books to different countries to different artists that wanted to interfere into the book. When they finish with the stories, they ll return the books to me. I ll print out new edition of 10 books that will be ready for further manipulation.

One book, the one I am sending to you, was interfering by me and my sun Maj, who was also present in my residency visit in Belfast." (Manja Vadla)

Language: English